Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cease-fire in Syria?

Akram, the Angry Arab correspondent in Syria, sent me this:
Two weeks after its launch,"Proponents and opponents together for an instant ceasefire", a Syrian group on Facebook, has announced it has finally presented, through a Syrian party that it hasn't specified, an application to the Syrian Ministry of Interior asking to organize a "peaceful" demonstration calling on for a negotiated solution for the Syrian crises accompanied with an instant and synchronized halt of fighting, releasing the political detainees and full political freedoms in the country while refusing any external intervention whatsoever and supporting the resistance in Lebanon against "the Israeli enemy".

"It was impossible to apply for the license before due to the attacks we've faced by the two sides where one side was accusing us of being a part of the conspiracy, while the other was describing us of being Shabiha. As the concept is now clear, we are able to apply for a license without risking the applicants or the participants lives", said the group in a statement published on its Facebook page in justification of the delay in applying for the license, describing the event as being "under the umbrella of a number of political parties".

The statement said that the sit-in, initially scheduled for September 15, could be postponed on week in case the license hasn't been issued in a timely manner. It is worthy to mention that, under the Syrian "peaceful demonstrations act", demonstrations organizers are required to apply for a license, at least five days before the scheduled date of their event.

The initiative has been, initially, launched earlier in last August and received mixed reactions ranged from the welcoming ones to skepticism, accusations and direct insults. Remarkably, the initiative is being supported by the "National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria" and the "Movement for Building the Syrian State", two main opposition bodies activating inside Syria, while four coordination committees (local groups of activists opposing the Syrian regime) operating in Damascus issued a supportive statement.

The ball is in the court of the Syrian regime which has a unique and maybe a final opportunity to discredit all the talks about its elusive behavior and its unwillingness of reaching a peaceful solution of the bloody crisis that is ravaging the country."